Brighter Than Ever Immediate Impact for Kids

Supporting kids when and where they need us most

For Wisconsin's kids to be the healthiest in the nation, Children’s believes that they shouldn’t be treated for care only when they are sick or injured. That’s why we embrace an expansive definition of health and well-being that comprises physical, dental, social and mental health.

Fueling the Children's Wisconsin mission

Your gift goes to work right away, fueling our mission of care, advocacy, research and education.

Responding to families’ needs

You help Children’s Wisconsin be nimble and responsive to what kids and families need the most right now.

Supporting our highest priorities

You deliver support for our most important priorities, such as our work to use a child’s own DNA to rebuild their failing heart more effectively.

Sustaining our most effective programs

You ensure Children’s can stay true to our mission of having Wisconsin’s kids be the healthiest in the nation.

How do Brighter Than Ever Immediate Impact for Kids funds fuel our mission?

Brighter Than Ever Immediate Impact for Kids funds allow us to wrap around kids and their families, offering programs and services that are often not covered by insurance, including child life specialists who help kids navigate their stays in the hospital. They also allow us to invest in innovation and research to drive change and shape the future of pediatric health care, as well as provide our clinical teams with the flexibility to invest in needs like cutting-edge equipment and facilities.

Brighter Than Ever Immediate Impact for Kids funds also allow us to support patient volumes in real time, including adding staff members during viral season or emergency situations so we can continue to provide best and safest care to the kids and families we serve.

Kid playing with bear

A hospital and so much more

Thanks to your generosity, Children’s Wisconsin is a hospital and so much more, encompassing an expansive definition of kids’ health that includes physical, dental, social and mental. Your continued support helps us deliver immediate impact that’s 100% for the kids and families of Wisconsin.

Your support. Our impact.

6.5 million annual connections

with Wisconsin’s kids and families

20 primary clinics statewide

where our pediatricians and behavioral health consultants work side by side to detect mental health problems in kids and teens before they become a crisis

100% commitment to kids

as the state’s only independent pediatric health care system

Stories of impact

Happier than ever: Germelle’s story

Farther than ever: Danny’s story

Sweeter than ever: Livi’s story

Together we can ensure that kids’ futures are Brighter Than Ever!