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New breakthroughs
Lucy's story
A new gene therapy gives hope to kids with a previously untreatable disease.
Research is a critical part of the mission at Children’s Wisconsin. We’re determined help identify the causes of injuries, illnesses and birth defects and discover new ways to prevent and treat these conditions. The end result: better care for our kids.
The more we understand about pediatric diseases, the more we can do to prevent and cure them. That’s why Children’s has made it a priority to invest in research and innovation, building the most powerful concentration of pediatric research in the state. Our discoveries have already improved the lives of kids around the world, but our researchers depend on philanthropy to keep their labs running and to sustain and grow life-saving clinical trials. Seed funding is crucial — it allows us to test promising ideas and track the initial data required to secure federal grants and other funding on an even larger scale. Just imagine the possibilities:
- What if researchers could use gene therapy to stop progression of heart disease or cure sickle cell disease and bleeding disorders, potentially even correcting the problem before a baby is born?
- What if we could discover new ways to reduce premature births and limit the complications of prematurity?
- What if we could measure brain health in real time and prevent neurological injury or death in critically ill children?
- What if we could enhance immune responses to better treat infections, and also limit immune responses to treat autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes and Crohn’s disease?
Learn more about Children's Research Institute
We are taking discoveries from the laboratory and converting them to new therapies at patients’ bedsides.
These are just some of the areas ripe for exploration by our scientists. It’s essential that we provide the necessary equipment, staff and seed funding to sustain and grow this vital research so that we can keep advancing treatments, knowledge and quality of life.